Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have a white patch in my beard, Any idea what causes this and how to get the hair back to the norm

The white patch of hair is on the side of my face. It just seems as if the hair never turned black to match the rest of my facial hair. I cant stand it but I dont want to shave. Any info and advice would be greatly appreciated.

I have a white patch in my beard, Any idea what causes this and how to get the hair back to the normal color?

Word up Tyrone.

Special patches of white or gray in black colored hair IS REALLY sexy.

Everyone can grow a uniformly black beard, but only you have the cool little white patch.

Find the girl/guy that appreciates your patch and you'll grow to love it too.

Roll with it. It's what makes you unique.

I have a white patch in my beard, Any idea what causes this and how to get the hair back to the normal color?

I have a cousin that had that. IT was a very disquishing(sp) mark that made him unique and different. It sorta was a sexy mark.

I have a white patch in my beard, Any idea what causes this and how to get the hair back to the normal color?

Join the club, I have one white eyebrow one brown. It's the same genetic trait that causes birthmarks. Not a whole lot you can do but use JUST FOR MEN haircolor if you want to cover it. After years i finally just let what is is. Good luck whitey.

I have a white patch in my beard, Any idea what causes this and how to get the hair back to the normal color?

That is the normal color for that patch and there is nothing you can do short of coloring to get it to match. The patch will get larger as you age, but that is just part of the aging process and your hair turning gray. Nothing to worry about.

I have a white patch in my beard, Any idea what causes this and how to get the hair back to the normal color?

Die It!!

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