Sunday, June 20, 2010

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

He is about 2, is the only pet in the house, not under any recent stress. The only thing i can think of is that he has a skin allergy and its made his hair thinner...But why would there be white spots?

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

Miniature Schnauzers, the black ones, sometimes will get white hairs, its not from getting old, I have seen this on a 1 yr old......its not from old age, its from having a member in the bloodlines with some white, don't worry, he will be fine,,,he is still your is genetic in some blacks....nothing to worry about.........

Breeder/show/handler Miniature Schnauzers 14 yrs.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

he's just gettign old.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

its ok i have a mini too and she has turned whiute also its because they are getting older not like dying age but like 40's

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

white spots like white hair?? we have a black lab who started with a small white patch on her chest and it just got bigger over time. I think it stopped growing when she did!!

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

Maybe its a color that you hadn't realized he had.. or it might be wisdom hair!!

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

Surprised that this is only happening when he is 2. I had a toy poodle, born black black. She was supposed to stay that way, but she began to turn and ended up a dark charcoal. Breeding - go figure. Probably nothing wrong. He sounds cute.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

My mini shnauzer is getting grayer, its age, they can't stay pur black forever, eventually they will lighten, i have had 2 schnauzers now and my mom has had 1 when she was young, this is the first black one but the recent owner said they will lighten up as they grow

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

Maybe he has come in contace with a chemical or juice with that effect. You should take him to the vet. He is a relatively young dog. Or some dogs might have genetic things that have that effect.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

When I first read you question I was gonna say well hes getting old but if hes only 2..... Well my friend has a yorkie poo and shes pretty young but she already has grey/white hairs. Just like people some lose there haircolor faster then others.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

where are the white spots located? He is not getting old yet. when they do their muzzles turn grey first. does he have poor breeding? or an undercoat?call your breeder or the vet.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

I worked with a lot of dogs at my old job- this happened to a few of them. None of them had problems.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

some darker dogs, including poodles and labs, can show white hair very early on. Are there spots or just areas of white

? My lab has white under his chin and some on his neck, chest and legs. It's just normal aging for him and has been going on for some time. On the other hand, if the white hair is accompanied by bald spots, thinning, scaly skin or if your dog is scratching or shaking a lot, you may want to take him to the vet; it is possible he has an allergy or perhaps a hot spot that may need treatment.

Black mini schnauzer hair turning white?

#1-My cat is black, and through the years he is slowly growing white hairs,it's natural. He isn't getting old it is fine. But one the other hand, Your dog is eigther allergic,has dry skin, or has had something to change it's color,there is the same with humans,and it could be a serious disease. I suggest taking your pet in for an examination,no one could be positivly sure from the web.

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