Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

hair loss is quite common at this time of the year in india- when the monsoons have begun..basically the hair has a life cycle which has three stages- anagen, catagen, telogen.. that is growth, transitional, death. For many people, the monsoons and the telogen stage coincide...if your hair has just started falling, then you needn't worry...it will stop once the dead hair have been shed. However, if hair loss is a contant problem for you then it could signal an unhealthy scalp or an underlying medical problem.

an unhealthy lifestyle and improper food habits often cause hair fall. you need to ensure that you have a balanced diet- eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and make sure your intake of vitamins and minerals is sufficient. also drink plenty of water, and try and include some form of physical activity in your routine. Avoid mental stress. try and maintain a relaxed frame of mind. tension, hormonal fluctuations, anxiety, mental pressure all lead to hair loss. a thyroid problem could also cause hair loss.

You must also make sure you oil and shampoo your hair regularly. massage with oil twice a week, and shampoo twice a week , and in between if the hair gets dirty easily.

similarly your hair may be greying prematurely because of any of the above reasons...

i don't know if you have heard of an organisation called shene herbals based in india. it is basically a grandmother-granddaughter team that makes homemade natural products. they have a hair oil concentrate that fights all hair related problems- dandruff, hair loss, greying, lice etc. i use it myself, and am very happy. you can take a look at their website http://www.geocities.com/sheneherbals...

The secret is to keep your scalp and hair healthy, and look after your body and mind too!

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

Hair Club For Men.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

You start using mehandi and put some mehandi in sarsoo oil and pour it and use it . This is very good. try to use black tea leave water once in a week .

Take some curd and honey and try to use that paste

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

get a wig haha no serious go and see a doctor

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

I can't tell you how to prevent this situation, but it isn't completely uncommon. I know a few people who have gone gray or completely white in their teens or early twenties. Hair loss also varies and isn't uncommon even at very early ages.

You may want to see a doctor, just to be sure you aren't lacking in any particular vitamins, or experiencing symptoms of some health issue - being sick can cause hair problems. Using drugs can also do it.

If it's not any of the above, and just a natural change, I'd advise trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Keep fit, eat a balanced diet, avoid drugs and stimulants. Don't wear hats, don't use strong chemicals on your hair, don't overbrush.

If the situation lasts, you could try some of the remedies like rogaine, or whatever the newer types are, or hair replacement. Dying at a professional salon will deal with white hair if you really hate it.

Or you could learn to live with who you are and not worry so much about the changes! We're all different.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

Most people get early grey hair because of stress.

If this is the case then you simply need to try and calm down.

You said you have hair loss as well...if your dad is bald or grey or your grandad on your mothers side then its more than likely to be heriditory.

In which case there's not normally alot you can do....if you're worried about how you look then just cut your hair short.

Hope i've helped.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

I would be very concerned about the heavy hair loss to start. Go see a doctor who would specialize in this sort of thing. I don't know about the white hair at your age unless it is genetic. Find out if anyone in your family ever had this problem. Otherwise, it may be involved with whatever is causing the hair loss. Do you work around anything that involves radiation or radioactivity? That could be causing the hair loss.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

this happened to my ex...are you sure you don't have allopecia (sp?) i would consulte a doctor...they gave him shots and the hair would grow back....

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

Go see a doctor. There are a number of treatments such as Procerin, Hair Genesis, Propecia, Avacor, etc... According to Consumer Review, Procerin is effective and has the lowest cost for a 3 month supply. Avacor is the most expensive and has the lowest success rate of the 4 products. Since Propecia is the only prescription medication with FDA approval for the treatment of male pattern baldness, that will most likely be the doctor's recommendation. Propecia does have some documented sexual side effects.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

consult a good doc first

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

Since you're only 18, I think the reason your hair is falling our and your hair is starting to lose its color because of stress. You might want to go check out a doctor and see what they think though, but that would be my guess. Hope it works out! :)

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

go to a deramatologist

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

wash your hair everday, eat gooseberry, apply oil

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

1. Use Propecia everyday for 1+ years (FDA Aproved)

2. Use the Hairmax Laser Comb (FDA Approved) for 1 year

3. Use Rogaine 5% twice per day (FDA Approved)

4. Wait for hair cloning in 10 years.

1-3 worked well for me...full head of hair!

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

try to use egg white it stops hair loss and

its stops greying your hairs

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

fresh aloe vera gel should work.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

It閳ユ獨 a very common problem which many people have.

But there is a very good solution for that.

You should have the practice of applying coconut oil to your hair.

Take amla and dry it in hot sun. put the dried pieces of amla in coconut oil.

Allow it to dissolve for some days. Then start applying this oil.

Your white hair, hair fall will get reduced.

Also hair will grow black and thick. Try it. It really works.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

You have got a lot of very good answers. I too agree that you should consult a good doctor. If you have ruled out stress, medical conditions and nutritional deficiency, too much chlorine in your water, etc., I recommend Spirulina (available in tablet or capsule form) for hair loss (I am not sure about premature greying). It worked for me and my daughter. I started with 2 tablets twice daily and later reduced the dosage to 1 twice daily. It takes 2 to 3 months before there is a noticeable difference. I still take Spirulina as a preventive measure. Yoga helps too.

I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall


I have a heavy hair loss and white hair even and my age is just 18,how can i prevent this?

hi ther , from my exp i think drinking a lot water, milk twice a day, take vit -E tabs like EVION then to cntrl ur white hairs it may b heriditary bt try followings the procedures the other guys hav mentiond. don worry just pray well b4 u do anything u badly want. best of luck.

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