Sunday, June 20, 2010

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Sorry, I'm not trying to be racist here at ALL, so please don't get the wrong idea. But why do black people usually have less hair than white people? Don't get me wrong, I've actually known a lot of black people with long hair, but it's just that a majority don't have so much hair.

Why is this?

How come black people have less hair then white people?

don't get upset by these people. they have nothing better to do then attack you. I've had this conversations with black girls about the hair thing. african american hair is very dry and coarse. they don't have LESS hair but the hair breaks off before it gets longer. I knew a black girl who had long gorgeous hair and it was natural. I asked her why other black girls don't have hair like that and she said because they put those chemicals in their hair and they get tracks put in their hair with glue and stuff like that. that's why their hair is so damaged.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

ask God.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

I think there hair is like coarse for the harsh sun in africa....and its just a trait

How come black people have less hair then white people?

do you mean the length of the hair? different hair structure=different growth rates.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

I would think that it breaks off easier..not really sure but my hair is really thick and has been sitting just past my shoulders for almost 7 years now.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Long hair or thick hair?? 'Cause I could have sworn black people had thicker hair. Maybe they cut it shorter because of annoying curls or something... I dunno about length.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

That is totally untrue.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

ask GOD...

How come black people have less hair then white people?

idk the answer to this question, but your defensive wording is pretty odd. how could you be a racist for pointing out a difference in appearance?

How come black people have less hair then white people?

cuz we were born like that and we always look good

for the girls I'm not sure but for the guys we always have short hair

How come black people have less hair then white people?

ask them

How come black people have less hair then white people?

works well for us black men cuz a hairy dude aint exactly a pretty sight naked

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Of the the questions in the world that can uplift the black race that is your question. Grow up.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Whoa!!.. lady that's not at all true many black women at my univ. has long thick weaves. My roommates girlfriend has hair passed her shoulders!

They are stunning what do you mean?

Look at this:

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Because they keep it that way. I think it also contributes to the pigment of their skin, it's harder to grow out.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

It's hotter in Africa.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

The chemical (perm, relaxer) is quite damaging and usually prohibits hair growth; if they go natural (no chemical) and take care of their hair properly it will grow

No offense taken

How come black people have less hair then white people?

As you are praying to God, tonight, or whenever, ask him this question, and ask that he reveal the answer to you.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Actually, it is due to their origins from within and around Africa. The climate in which a native African evolved is typically hot, humid, arid or dry. Body hair has many functions, one major being the retention of body heat and moisture by trapping heat and moisture close to the skin as it leaves the body. In most parts of Africa where dark skinned peoples originate, the need for heat retention is reduced, therefore the body, over time, developing less hair in certain areas of the body. Its a product of the environment.

There is however many, many cases of Africans being extremely genetics plays a part too.

On a side note.....why must everyone include the "I'm not trying to be racist" after their questions? Are we really that sensitive? Silly. Its just a question.

Another tid-bit. Afro hair if spliced takes an oval shape which makes for the tight curles associated with black people's hair type as apposed to straight hair when spliced is more of a round, circular shape.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Its an honest question and oversensitive people will always whine . There are three types of hair follicles Mongoloid which is basically Asians long thick round shafts , Caucasian which is a fine thin round shaft , and ******* which is short oval to flat short shafts . This question is about race but not racism .

How come black people have less hair then white people?

What difference does it make. Get a life.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

because black people came from africa where it is very hot and they have short hair to keep them cool. White people are from Europe and it is cold there they have long hair to keep them warm.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

i think its the natural oils in their hair. they don't contain the same oils i think.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Black people use more hair products than people of other races that usually damage our hair. We use these products to make our hair straight. Black people that leave their hair natural will usually have longer hair than the ones that use chemicals. If you used half of the products we use your hair would not grow either it probably would not last. Even though our hair usually will not grow past shoulder it is still very strong. A lot of us use curling irons, pressing combs, blow dryers daily and we still have hair on our heads. Imagine if we didn't use these products or these items. How long would our hair would be? I personally stopped putting chemicals in my hair and my hair has been growing quickly and it is healthier than it has ever been. Basically the answer to your question is. Our hair is not growing because of all the chemicals we use.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

i think you mean why do black people have shorter hair then white people. because black people have very curly hair and they have a lot of it. it is thick. they do have a lot of hair. it just just short. but also black don't take real good care of their hair as they should so that is to why it doesn't grow as fast. but since they have a lot of hair it doesn't really matter.

but white tend to have thin hair and it's straight so it grows faster then thick and curly.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

It's all about genetics, thanks for asking. I wish more people would ask questions about race than continue to be ignorant of these issues. Great question :)

How come black people have less hair then white people?

shorter is I assume what you mean.

Ever seen a really really hairy white man..has hair all over, his back his feet his knuckles. When I see that I think, why do they have fur all over thier bodies.

That said, there are physical differences between the races but did you know that the genome project has proven that we are 99.99% of our genes the same. No matter where we are from, what our race.

I would assume that white ppl have more hair cos they are from cold places, thats why white men have all that fur. but who knows, does it really matter?

How come black people have less hair then white people?

I think it's because of a number of reasons. 1) Genetics 2) Chemicals, 3) lack of proper hair care.

Chemicals especially, are the most damaging. A lot of American black women chemically straighten their hair and their children's hair with relaxers/perms. Relaxers/Perms straighten the hair by penetrating the cortical layer, breaking the natural curl pattern down. This process of "relaxing" the hair is so powerful, it's permanent, unless the relaxed/perm hair is completely cut off, or grown out. The chemicals in relaxers/perms are those found in drain cleaners, so you can imagine the damage that can occur when put in the hair continuously.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Sweet heart. that is totally not true. The Fact that our hair is naturally kinky its true length is not apparent. It's just like curly hair if your straighten it, it appears longer. And that fact that the hair follicle is shaped different our hair tends to break off (split ends) easier.

How come black people have less hair then white people?

Smokin crack reduces the amount of hair producing follicles on the head. Ha aha ha ha racism. I'm sorry African americans i really dont mean that i just want to see if Al Sharpton will jump me when i walk outside. And if my crack theory is correct i think whitey might hitting the pipe as well. Look at dr phil!!!! Native-American power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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