Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

Just because some black women want to have straight hair, does not mean they want to be white. Maybe they just want to have straight hair because they feel good with it. Have you ever thought about that?

Also, I ask why white women get perms. Obviously you would say it's because they want to be black, but it's actually because they (*gasp*) like the hairstyle!

Stop trying to bring racism into everything.

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

actually i have done that and i continue to do it now, if u want hair like a white woman i recomend u use botanicals shampoo and the relaxer whenever u get one.

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

since they are black,the cannot change body colour to be come white,so let them at least change the colour of their hair like white woman and feel happy about it..hahahaha.

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

People have different tastes. An unwritten rule is that we long for the hair we weren't born with. That's why some whites perm their hair or use curling irons and some blacks want to straigthten theirs.

I really don't think it's necessarily about wanting to look like white women at all.

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

i have wondered this before also. i just would rather see a blonde than a terrible hair weave any day though as i can't stand the sight of weaves. grosses me out. but i like the hair that tyra banks is sporting nowadays, the long gorgeous hair and color look excellent on her. i think tyra is beautiful no matter what kind or color of hair she is wearing.

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

why do ww get body parts like bw?

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

Why are the black women getting defensive?

But anywhoo, to answer your question, it's not a conscious thing. When Africans were brought over here, they were told that every body part they had that was different than white people was ugly. [Hair, skin, nose, big butt/thighs/hips, etc.] And for some crazy reason, they believed it. [But if you're told something repeatedly, you'll eventually believe it.] So basically, this mentality was passed down through the generations even though white people [for the most part] stopped saying we were ugly. The problem is, we still believe we're ugly. So we get perms and nose jobs and bad hair colors [*cough* BLONDE *cough*] thinking we'll look white. But of course this is all subconsciously. Some black people still say flat out that our natural hair/skin/noses/lips, etc. is ugly, and that's where the hatred comes from.

P.S. They DO make bleaching cream, but that's one of the things we stopped using. Skin color is STILL a big issue though.

Why do black woman try to do their hair like white woman ?

Oh yes because straight hair is strictly for white people only. I hope you see the sarcasm in my post. Get a life!!!

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