Sunday, November 29, 2009

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

I just trend 16 at the begging of this month and just a few minuets ago I found a whit hair in my head. This has happen to me before when I was five, and a hair dresser found in in my hair. I閳ユ獡 half native and have very dark hair. Is this normal? I have had a thyroid check last year and they have found nothing wrong. But my father and sister have. How should I deal with it?

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

i have white hair.. white eyelashes and some white eyebrows... its just the pigment leaving those areas. i have no idea why though... its not bad though.... good luck

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

dye your hair

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

maybe your hair is damaged or your using a weird kind of shampoo

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

i tihnk its okay.....i haf pure black hair and my relatives spoted white hair on me when i was like 4 or 5!!!!!!! they said u get white hair when you think too much...but im not sure...if theres not alot of white hair thats visible, then dont worry about it too much. if its visible, then just dye ur hair.. hopefully it might be better.

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

You are genetically inclined to be grey. My uncle started going grey at 14. Either dye it or accept it.

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

that dont seem possible to me i never heard of that

just try a really good dye to cover it or either that you'll just have to accept it because probably in your genetics or your taking some kind of strong medicine that you need maybe that's causing it because my brother has epilepsy and he's been taking medicine for that for a while and he started getting grey strands

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

Just like some people turn their true hair color at a very late age, so is your hair. Don;t worry about it. Gray hair is very pretty..but say silver instead of gray.

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

im 16 and im sure im going to grey soon.. my dad started when he was 18...

White hair at 16!!!!!!!!!!!?

get some hair dye

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