Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why are white hairs so much coarser and feel tougher when they come through in your hair ?

and why is it when you pull one out,loads more white ones grow back

Why are white hairs so much coarser and feel tougher when they come through in your hair ?

Actually, when your hair starts to turn white/gray, there aren't just a few white hairs. All your hairs are turning white, even if you can't see them. Your hair produces something called melanin which makes your hair the color it is. When you see white hairs growing, it's because the melanin in your body has stopped being produced. So those hairs aren't just popping up to bother you, they are just new hairs growing and happen to be that color because you're new hair color is gray/white/silver, whatever you want to call it. I can't help you on why it is more coarse, that I'm not sure of.

Why are white hairs so much coarser and feel tougher when they come through in your hair ?

because their evil! just kidding...good question. i wish i knew the answer

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