Sunday, November 29, 2009

White hair- possible after damage and HOW?

my hair has been pretty well fried from constant bleaching, dyes and general abuse. it's getting stronger and has some elasticity again but- i want extremely blonde high lites now. i think i will go to a local salon to have them done but they have promised they can not obtain the exact color i want- which is like brook hogan whiteish blonde. if i go to the shop and have the high lites properly placed, what can i do at home to ensure it doesn't fall out AND achieve a more bold color?

White hair- possible after damage and HOW?

If you really want the best possible result then let your hair heal first, bring it back to it's right condition and let your old colors grow out. It is time consuming, but it will ensure the best color in the end, you are taking a risk of making your hair fall out and if you keep abusing your hair you may make it to where it wont look right no matter what color you get. If you have to have it now and can't wait, alls you can do is take vitamins and condition like crazy to make it healthier, as for color will be faded due to the health of your hair.

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